Our Philanthropy

Domestic Violence Awareness

Domestic Violence.

A common misconception is that DV doesn’t happen in our area. However, in 2020 there were 5,529 911 calls related to domestic abuse, sexual assault and child abuse, 4,004 calls for service related to domestic abuse including domestic battery report, domestic violence-threat, and domestic dispute, and 1,066 911 calls for service related to sexual assault, including lewd conduct, rape and sexual assault [Ada County Sheriff’s Office, 2021] (wcaboise.org).

Alpha Chi’s Mission.

Working alongside the Women’s and Children’s Alliance (WCA) gives us a place to support people who are facing the unimaginable. By raising money, donating items, and raising awareness of the cause we can make a difference in our community.

“Our philanthropy at Alpha Chi Omega is domestic violence awareness in partnership with the WCA here in downtown Boise. We are so lucky to be able to be apart of such a great organization. Having one of the only local philanthropy’s here on campus is such a blessing as we can really watch how we help and effect our community. Not only is our mission to support the people within the WCA, but to support each other and provide safe resources for our sisters along with the community. I am forever grateful for the involvement in this great philanthropy and the resources it provides for all of the real strong women of alpha chi omega”

Addison Smith, VP Philanthropy

The Women’s and Children’s Alliance

The WCA.

“WCA provides Safety to domestic abuse and sexual assault victims through our two 24-hour crisis hotlines, our domestic abuse shelter, safety planning assistance, and court advocacy.

WCA provides Healing through therapy services, support groups, and client advocacy.

WCA provides Freedom through case management and financial empowerment and life skills classes.” (wcaboise.org)


Our members feel great privilege for the opportunity to help our local community. The WCA is only 10 minutes away from campus. We are able to visit frequently to drop off donations with the understanding of our great service.


Domestic Abuse Hotline: 208.343.7025

Rape Crisis Hotline: 208.345.7273

WCA Hotline: 208.343.3688


Mr. Alpha Chi Pageant

Our spring philanthropy week is a Mr. Alpha Chi Pageant. A week where candidates compete to win the title of Alpha Chi Sweetheart. They raise money and participate in fun events the engage the whole community. Click here to learn more.

Lyre Games

Our fall philanthropy week is called Lyre Games. A week where other greek organizations compete in field day games to raise money for the WCA. It engages not only the greek community, but others in the Boise State community.